We can produce the bearings accordingly to the customers' samples or drawings.
Our products are in good quality and reasonable prices
we can produce owner brand meanwhile we accept OEM and trade famous brands like SKF FAG NSK NACHI KOYO URB NTN ZKL etc
The following is a part of our products:
Item No, Item No, Item No, Item No, Item No
6001, 6207, 6326, 61848M, 61928
6002, 6208, 6328, 61852M, 61930M
6003, 6209, 6330, 61856M, 61932M
6004, 6210, 6403, 61860M, 61934M
6005, 6211, 6404, 61864M, 61936M
6006, 6212, 6405, 61868M, 61938M
6007, 6213, 6406, 61872M, 61940M
6008, 6214, 6407, 61876M, 61944M
6009, 6215, 6408, 61880M, 61948M
6010, 6216, 6409, 61884M, 61952M
6011, 6217, 6410, 61888M, 61952X1M
6012, 6218, 6411, 61892M, 61956M
6013, 6219, 6412, 61896M, 61956X1M
6014, 6220, 6413, 618/500M, 61960M
6015, 6221, 6414, 618/530, 61964M
6016, 6222, 6415, 618/560MA, 61968M
6017, 6224, 6416, 618/600, 61972M
6018, 6226, 6417, 618/630, 61976M
6019, 6228, 6418, 618/670, 61980M
6020, 6230, 6419, 618/710, 61984M
6021, 6232, 6420, 618/710, 61988M
6022, 6234, 604, 618/750, 61992M
6024, 6236, 605, 618/800, 61996M
6028, 6300, 606, 618/850, 619/500
6030, 6301, 607, 618/900, 619/530
6032, 6302, 608, 618/950, 619/560
6034, 6303, 609, 618/1000, 619/630
6036, 6304, 624, 61905, 619/670
6038, 6305, 625, 61906, 619/710
6040, 6306, 626, 61910, 619/750
6044, 6307, 627, 61912, 619/800
6048, 6308, 628, 61913, 619/850
6052, 6309, 629, 61916, 619/900
6056, 6310, 61819, 61917, 619/950
6060, 6311, 61821M, 61918, 619/1000
6062, 6312, 61822, 61918M, 16005
6064, 6313, 61824, 61918/YA6, 16015
63/28, 6314, 61826M, 61919, 16016
62/22, 6315, 61828M, 61920M, 16017
6200, 6316, 61830M, 61920, 16018M
6201, 6317, 61832M, 61922, 16019
6202, 6318, 61834M, 61922M, 16020
6203, 6319, 61836M, 61924, 16022
6204, 6320, 61838M, 61924M, 16024
6205, 6322, 61840M, 61926M, 16024M
6206, 6324, 61844M, 61926, 16026M
16026, 16076, 60880, 60/850, 6317
16028M, 160/800, 6080F1, 60/900, 6318
16030M, 6044M, 6080M, 60/950, 6319
16032M, 6048M, 6084, 60/1000, 6320
16034M, 6052M, 60888, 6238, 6322
16036M, 6056, 6088, 6240, 6324
16038M, 6060, 6096, 6244, 6326
16040M, 6064, 60/500, 6248, 6328
16044, 6068, 60/530, 6252, 6330
16048M, 6072, 60/560, 6310, 6334
16052M, 6072X1/C9, 60/600, 6311, 6336M
16056, 16072, 60/630, 6312, 6338M
16060/HA, 6072F1, 60/670, 6313, 6352M
16064, 16076, 60/710, 6314,
16068, 6076F3, 60/750, 6315,
16072, 60872, 60/800, 6316,
MSN: littlealice1988@live.cn